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On March 11th, ATU-757 Vice-President Henry Beasley drove to Salem with members that had been affected by violence directed towards them while on the job.Stand Up for Transit Operators—Support Senate Bill 1124 Today! ATU 757 is championing Senate Bill 1124, a vital piece of legislation that will protect transit operators on the job by closing a dangerous gap in current law.
Download:SB 1124.pdf
Properties ATU Local Retiree Chapter Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) Corvallis (City, OSU, MTS) C-TRAN First Student Portland Hood River County Transporation District (CAT) Lane Transit District MTM Salem MTM Transit Bend (Cascades East Transit) North Bonneville Outdoor Service Provider Portland Public Schools Rogue Valley Transportation District Salem Cherriots Sunset Empire Transportation District (Astoria) Tillamook County Transportation District Transdev - TriMet LIFT (Region 2 & Region 3) Transdev Canby Transdev Yamhill County TriMet Valley Transit
Download:Holiday Bus.jpg
ATU News Congratulations to our Local 697-Toledo, OH, members on their strong new contract. Local 1287-Kansas City, MO, rally pressures City Council to consider robust funding for KCATA. King County Safety Task Force our Local 587-Seattle, WA, pushed for in wake of stabbing death of Brother Yim holds first meeting. Bus strike looms as Brampton transit workers reject contract offer Our ATU family is continuing to grow! Battlefords Transit System employees vote to unionize. Facebook Feed